Tuesday, May 6, 2014


  What the heck does this mean?
  How is it done?
  What does it achieve?
  Does everyone do it?
  How long does it take?
I don't have a clue but I think I'm starting to figure out what works for me. All weekend and this week I've been second guessing my decision to run as far as in a short span of time relatively speaking.  I tanked, my time was terrible and I slept like 16hrs the following day.  I've ran that distance and longer in a shorter span of time. Why did I feel this way?
The same is true for life and relationships gone awry. Everyone falls in love and many fall out or things happen and it's just gone. What do we do next?
The same can be said for substance abuse. Why do we crave the drink? When we FINALLY reach the point we don't want it running our lives what do we do next? I'm sure the same can be said about many other problems that ail society. Just fixing the problem is never enough until you go through the recovery stage.
Tonight's run was my 1st since bonking so bad Sat and was a turning point in my attitude.  It was recovery for my legs just to check and make sure I wasn't injured but more importantly it was allowing my mind to know that I can lay down some decent times over rough terrain and feel great afterwards. As well as this, I got to escape reality and focus on why things went so bad for me Saturday.  As I arrived at my trail I - as usual- got my Emergen-C and put it in a bottle of water and downed it.  I then got another packet n dumped it in my water I was going to run with.  A friend and mentor, I'll call him Jason,suggested using this and I go through a ton of it. Well my mind started working.  I train using this but never took any with me to a race??? WTH? If it works n keeps my body balanced why not have it when it run a race? Maybe I'm a idiot??? LOL After that enlightenment to myself I cruised and my running game will be A-OK barring injury.
On the drive home tonight I got to thinking about this.  After all my screw ups over a lost love  I realized that everyone has the missing link usually right there in their hand. Do the things that got you to the good times and stick with it and you will survive the rough storms life throws at you. Change it up and you will always BONK!
As far as recovery time? How it's done? It's a journey in life. Running parallels so much of life and I'm sure that's why I do it.  The sound of my feet hitting the ground and hearing my heart in my chest gives me peace and no matter what life throws at me I can probably handle it with a few miles alone doing some thinking.
I guess the point of this is that no matter what happens in life,with a huge heart and desire to do better anyone can get past problems.  There are other marathons and ultras that I'm going to do and do better at.  There will someday be another love that hopefully I can be the best at, and I'm finally realizing sobriety is a pretty cool deal.  That's all I got to say about that! :)

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